Darshan Academy has branches all over India and Colombia
Darshan Education Foundation has developed a unique holistic concept for schools that helps children develop their highest potential...
Embarking on the journey to spread the message of love and peace, Darshan Education Foundation is in its Silver Jubilee Year.
Dear Parents,
It brings me immense joy to extend a heartfelt welcome to all members associated with Darshan Academy, Ferozepur. I feel honoured to be a part of Darshan Academy, a distinguished group of schools both within our country and internationally. At DA, our primary focus is on the child, and our efforts are dedicated to shaping them into future generations of peacemakers.
As Plutarch said, "The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." In our commitment to nurturing every child's inherent potential, we recognize that within each young mind lies a world waiting to be explored. Our mission is to instill a sense of happiness in every child, fostering a foundation for a peace-loving and harmonious world.
Understanding that teaching is a transformative touch on a life, we embrace a holistic education approach. Our philosophy encompasses academic excellence, co-curricular activities, sports education, and life-skills learning. The synergy between good facilities and a robust curriculum aims to provide global opportunities for our students, who are both peace-loving and adept at problem-solving.
Our school's campus, sports facilities, and academic resources stand as testaments to this belief. We integrate activities and events related to value education, environmental awareness, health education, games, and sports, visual and performing arts, culture, heritage, and personality development seamlessly into the fabric of our school curriculum.
In our pursuit of providing the best education, our pre-primary and primary sections stand out as a vibrant and activity-filled environment tailored for 21st-century learners. The ideal teacher-student ratio ensures the holistic development of each student, exposing them to a carefully crafted curriculum that blends value education with core subjects. Our goal is to shape individuals during their formative years, grooming them into the best version of themselves.
I am looking forward to working with you all for the development of our children and nurture them as productive citizens of this country.
With warm wishes.
Jasvinder Kaur Suri
Headmistress, Darshan Academy Ferozepur
Darshan Academy is committed to helping students develop their full potential – physically, intellectually, artistically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Darshan Academy provides students with an Education for inner and outer Peace
Students learn how their actions can have a positive impact. Through helping people in need and improving the environment, they realize the value of service.
Darshan Academy is running 24 Schools in India and South America since 1995.
Transfer Certificate details are available here form session 2024-2025. Please enter Admmision / Enrollment number of the Student to genetrate Transfer Certificate.
Children in this classroom are working
on forging social skills through collaboration